Sunday, October 11, 2009

To live is to learn

This week has been filled with wonderful learning experiences!
I learned on Monday patience, patience with babies...and crazy drivers who like to change lanes without signaling and then driving under the already slow speed limit.
quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience.

Now, after looking this definition up there was another definition given, SOLITAIRE, which is also called patience (who knew), to arrange the cards in a predetermined manner.

The game of solitaire is a simple one person game except when you get stuck in a huge solitaire pickle and you need someone's advice on how to get your cards rearranged. Just as life is, at times.

My life in the past week has been a game of solitaire. I've had to go through a deck of cards just to find the one card I needed to get a free space. Whether it be a financial decision, my future, or what time to wake up. I've ended up in a quite a few "solitaire pickles". My mom's birthday was this week, and last Saturday she got engaged! I really couldn't be any happier for my mom and her fiance. Our life is FINALLY turning around, but, this new income of news has definitely altered my future plans. Should I go to the two new colleges I've fell in love with or stay home so my little sister won't have to switch high schools. I don't see this happy engagement as a burden. Not at all. I see it as an opportunity. A new card to find a new space.
Not only was my week exciting, I'm finally starting to piece together what I want for myself for MY future. Not just what everyone thinks I should do. I'll ask for some advice on where to lay my cards, however, with a touch of my thoughts here and there.
Another great thing that's happened to me...more just pathetic and something everyone loves to hate about high school.
The typical "you ruined my life/night of partying" gag. Of course when you stray away from a certain group because all they are capable of is creating lies, and think they can gain friendships from that. I've chosen to be patient and not only will I find a way out of it I have my guardian angels and my angels here, my family and my true friends. My Grandpa is such a great example for patience, I don't say was because he'll never be gone in my eyes. I've learned so much from him and even more from my own mom. I'm switching cards, placing my card on something better, more benefiting for myself. Laughing at how ridiculous people can be and how sad they'll be when they're 20 and they try to create something out of nothing.

A lesson for everyone:
Patience is a virtue. Living is learning along the way, and solitaire is the best game to take out your troubles on. :)

P.S. Sorry I didn't blog for so long, so many lessons so little time!


  1. Merey- I love your observations and your sweet analogy to life with Solitaire and patience.



  2. You're such an amazing writer! I agree with everything you said. ESPECIALLY the last paragraph ): it sucks losing friends and having more and more people hate you--at least in my situation, but it will be funny when they're older and aren't even "cool" in high school anymore. love you!
