Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Beautiful Day

These past few days have been annoying and irritating, always thinking about money and how much I have and how much I want and how much I need. I'm always wishing to go back in time and stay young and never have to worry about money ever again, but I think twice and realize, God sent me here to go through trials and this may be one of the very scrutinizing ones, but it will definitely be one of my most trimuphant...hopefully :)

If you ever have a day where money won't leave your mind and how much you hate going to work, visit a park with a good book and zone out, lose track of time or even day dream at that park!
My job is a childcare giver, I nanny a sweet little baby and he and his parents constantly remind me that there is more to life than plain stupid money. It's so hard to believe that a baby who can't even talk make your mind wander the distance mine has when I'm caring for him. I can't be anymore thankful for such a more rewarding job than I have taking care of kids.

Sidetracking a little bit. Lately I haven't been so into going to church and become my religious self again, mostly because I've allowed these materialistic things to blind me from what truley matters. As I sat in the park today with Soren (the baby I care for) I realized today is nothing more than a beautiful gift from our wonderful number one man up there. This not only makes me think more about what he has done for me but what more he can do for me, and how much I need him to do things for me. Today has made me recognize that it is all up to me to reconnect with my religion, although I may disagree with some of the standards, I can always go to church to get the basic message. I can only here my mother and father's voice "I told you so" ringing around in my head as I write this, but I only laugh at myself because I know they have, I was just too busy to listen.
A word of advice-wake up and smell the roses people! :)


  1. Mere-- it's so true that when you stop to appreciate the beauty around you, you realize what's really important and how much you are blessed with! money is on a lot of peoples' minds right now and you are definitely not alone in worrying about it... thanks for reminding me that what is truly important can't be bought and sold and that letting go of materialistic wants can bring so much peace! you rock! :)

  2. i've felt that way too about church, when i was dating corey i was all into going back to church. It's a nice comfort knowing what we know, i wish you were here so i had someone to go to church with in the student ward! come live with me :(
