Saturday, September 12, 2009


Wow! What a great Friday!
We had a minimal day (early dismissal) and of course Gracie has a cheer leading gig, which was great. Not only was my school day wonderful, my day as of 1pm-11pm was probably even better!

It started with me FINALLY getting charlie (my car that I had...errr crashed) in may. Yeah, feel my pain! Charlie has a brown door, what I am now calling his "birthmark" but it feels great getting my car back, I'm not being dependent on people as much anymore. I can't express to you guys how much happiness I felt when I handed my mom the three-hundred and fifty dollars I had to gather up for my half of the payment. Note, I had never held that much cash in my LIFE. When I got into my car, that was burning up and reeked of greasy mechanics and oil I was estactic to finally be driving again and so thankful for my mom supporting me in the payment. I would have had to sell poor charlie and live without a car all senior year. Some may poke fun at my car, but they don't know how much love we have for him! For those who aren't part of my family or a close friend do not know the story of how I got my charlie.

It was freshman year and our house had gotten broken into, they stole our video recorder..and yes our precious home videos and dance recitals, and a portable dvd player which we had borrowed. Oh and my 15 dollars :). My mom was paranoid that it was our neighbor Tim from across the circle, so she wanted reassurance that someone will always "appear" to be home. (Previously we had a blue camry parked in our carport for Sheridan's last request to stay in california, which was wasn't taken, Chuck had given it to his son Andy. But it was later wrecked on the freeway.) It was our lucky day, Andy had dropped off his 1985 toyota camry at Grammie's and Chuck's I guess as a trade for the Lexus SUV..I honestly don't know. But anyways, Chuck had offered it to us, and my mom gratefully accepted.
I spent 2.5 hours cleaning that damned thing (pardon my french), with white cloths now stained charcoal and two bags of garbage and a full vacuum bag of toenails and other things. I had rightfully earned this car. (Oh I got 20 bucks for cleaning it).
I couldn't come to think that I had this old car and being a fifteen year old a little embarrased but still grateful. I have a knack for naming things and it's kind of a bad habit (many will testify). I named him Charlie and wrote it in sharpie on the front window. Charlie hadn't really been taken care of, but chuck had paid for is oil to be changed and a new battery...which then died and the tires flattened and what not. Anyways, Charlie, being his neglected self finally got the freedom he deserved, 3 years later. I got my license in December '09 to surprise my then dating friend (now boyfriend) for his birthday. Charlie was in the shop getting all repaired for me to drive him and free him of this sad sad imprisonment! The day of December fifth, I believe was the happiest day of both of our lives. WE WERE FREE! I went with my mom to pick him up at the valco shop up our street, he rattled with excitement and shook with adrenaline at every stop we made! I had to celebrate, I drove to IN N' OUT and picked grace up from cheer, of course after getting a car freshener (watermelon), he was so happy, everyday I would tell him "Oh Charlie you're the best!" he shook back with happiness.
Charlie and I are as one, as crazy as it sounds. Think of Herbie with Lindsay Lohan, the bond they had, well that's the bond my car and I share. Gratefulness, pride, and happiness. Charlie is not only 24 years old, but he runs with spirit. I don't care that I have to pump the gas to get going fast. I don't care that people think it's a piece of junk. Charlie is my first car, my first true sign of appreciation. My first crash.
Ah, my first was pathetic but memorable.
Our neighbors were having a party, and of course they think they are welcome to park ANYWHERE, I was on my way to a friends when my mom said I had to back out her car and re-park it so it won't get in the way. I back hers out park it in the middle of the road (the only available spot) noticing that there was a van and little kids kept spilling out of it, they were playing in THE DRIVEWAY in the road EVERYWHERE! Well charlie had to be taken out as well, so I got in started him up, checked for kids and started to back out. Only to hear a big "EERRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEKKKKK" and the post of our carport breaking as my door gets dragged through the hedge. I just look at Charlie like "oh shoot, this isn't good" Charlie shook back. He was trembling so I had to pull forward, carefully as to not hurt him anymore. He trembled in fear as I turned off the engine and examined the damage. The door just wouldn't shut. And Charlie sat in our carport, exposed for three months.

Now, I have learned my lesson to shut the door before checking for kids, never drive in a frenzy, and always care for your car. (We had a little tiff before the accident)
Charlie is repaired, he's mine and I'm never going to stop appreciating everyone who has helped me fix him!
Granted when I get enough money to buy a newer car, Grace will take my spot, but nothing NO ONE will ever have the same bond as Charlie and I did. He is showered with love, and pats and little head rubs (on the hood of the engine).
If it weren't for Andy crashing that car, and if it weren't for that break in, I would have never gotten the privilege to have a CAR, Charlie.

Go home and give your car some love! They take you EVERYWHERE!
Picture of Charlie coming soon :)


  1. ha ha this story made me laugh :) we have another great writer in our family :)
