Friday, November 6, 2009

A great new week!

I've never had such an amazing week! I thought adjusting to my new life would be really hard, but since I did the right thing, I guess someone up there decided to reward me for once!
My week started off rocky, I have a cold...a really nasty cold and I worked a lot. Not complaining about any of it. I love my job and I...can deal with a cold! Nothing can ever replace how happy I feel with my new chapter in my life. As my old friend would say "you may have ripped out a chapter, but you're replacing it with the best chapter of your whole book". I'm almost 18 and I think I was too afraid to be who I am alone. After all, my..ex *gulp* was the one who made me really find myself, so I was only myself around him since I spent most of my time with him. But now, I'm my own person and I'm sharing it with everyone. I'm so happy right now, my nanny job pays off so much. Taking care of a child is the best thing you can do for yourself, you have to be selfless and think only about what they need, not what you need from them. (Like for them to stop crying). It also makes you not care about what other people say about the situation...or any situation even when you aren't around the kid. For instance, my lame high school peers think they're so superior to everyone else around them that they believe talking about my blog is going to get them anywhere. I know, pathetic.

Anyways, MY life is honestly turning around. Instead always being in a confused state of mind and always having a foggy mind, I'm happy, I know what I want and my mind is so clear. Everyday can only get better from here, and if not I'm always going to find a way to make it better. I've decided to change my ways. Keep every promise I make and be risky and live my life to the fullest. The little things that will get to me, I'm going to make sure I karate kick their bums outta' my life. I'm going to visit my family in Utah next weekend, it's the perfect thing I need for my new chapter. A new look, a new "MO", and a new personality. My family is my rock, even though we have our days, I don't think I'll ever want to be away from them.
Life is more than just living it, it's living IN your life. Be a part of anything you can, grasp any opportunity for new windows and new people that come at you. Live in your life for you but live your life for others.

Lesson Learned: Life is great.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to spend your 18th with you. You change my life around and I learn so much from you! I Love you girl!..and you are such a good friend!!
